Setting up DNS for your webroot

Currently, webroots can only be stored on toxtricity. This makes things relatively simple — you can either :

  1. Set a CNAME record for either :
    • to point directly to toxtricity
    • to point to toxtricity and any future shared webroots based in Europe
  2. Set an A and AAAA record for and 2a01:4f8:1c1b:9f00::1, respectively.

Some people may utilise CAA records to ensure only trusted certificate authorities can issue TLS certificates. By default, all webroots use Buypass AS for TLS certificates. You can add the following records to trust certificates issued by Buypass AS : CAA 0 issue "" CAA 0 issuewild "" CAA 0 iodef ""

If you switch certificate authorities, you can find the necessary records to trust via the SSLMate/caa_helper project.