This website is hosted by Hetzner Online GmbH, Industriestr. 25, 91710 Gunzenhausen GERMANY.
Requests can only be served in French or English in a timely manner.
Address to : M Matthew RONCHETTO
By e-mail : dpo AT
By phone (leave message) : +1 303 900 8332
Liability for Links
This website contains links to external websites which may have links to third parties, of which we have no influence or control over the contents of. Therefore, we can’t assume any liability for these external websites. The respective provider or operator of the sites is always responsible for the contents of the linked sites.
The contents and works on this website are subject to German copyright law. This website's code is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD licence, unless mentioned otherwise. Any kind of use outside the limits of copyright laws requires the written consent of the respective author(s).
Data protection and retention
Your privacy is protected to the best of my ability. The following is logged :
- Your email address — Used for keeping contact with you
- Any messages you send — That is to say, e-mails to and from
inboxes - Any telephony you make — That is to say, calls or faxes to the numbers above
- Any data you upload — That is to say, your website, Git repositories, et al.
- Any data you collect — That is to say, your web analytics and any incoming communications you receive via hosted services.
- Your public SSH key — Used for deploying your website using
Data is retained for as long as you are actively using the service. The only exemption to this is if obligated under a legitimate court order.
Your data is stored with the following parties :
- Backblaze, Inc. (US ; on way out) — Used for nightly backups of server data. Their privacy policy is here.
- BunnyWay d.o.o. (SI) — Used for nightly backups of server data. Their privacy policy is here.
- Google LLC (US) — Used for sending and receiving messages via telephone. Their privacy policy is here.
- Hetzner Online GmbH (DE) — Used for providing services. Their privacy policy is here.
- Migadu-Mail GmbH (CH) — Used for making correspondance. Their privacy policy is here.
- Posteo e.K. (DE) — Used for storing contact information. Their privacy policy is here.
- Twilio Inc. (US) — Used for sending and receiving messages via fax. Their privacy policy is here.
This data is only shared with these parties for the purposes above, with the only exemption being if obligated to share under a legitimate court order.
Liability for Links
This website contains links to external websites which may have links to third parties, of which we have no influence or control over the contents of. Therefore, we can’t assume any liability for these external websites. The respective provider or operator of the sites is always responsible for the contents of the linked sites.
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