
To access any services, you must be a member — fortunately, anyone can be a member™. and the process for becoming a member is kept relatively simple.

Reasons you might not be able to become a member

There are very few outlying reasons why you might not be able to be. These include, but are not limited to :

Applying for membership

There are two ways to become a member, one more preferred to the other.

The ideal way is to contact any existing members that don't disallow soliciting requests, get to know them, and ask to be referred. If you're said existing member trying to refer someone, simply reach out and mention that person's contact.

Otherwise, you can reach out by e-mailing matt PUT_AN_AT_SIGN_HERE with [Member application] in the subject. Mention a bit about yourself — things you like, what you want to use the services for, and so on. The former method is preferred since it allows for other things to be given precedence over handling member applications.

Voicing complaints as a member

Complaints should be voiced ideally over e-mail. Complaints can be sent directly to matt AT or sent to be sorted to a certain box, namely :

Revoking or rescinding membership

Anyone can rescind membership at anytime for any reason. There is no automated process for this at this time. Former members who rescinded membership are able to become members again at any time, assuming their membership is not barred while they are an emeritus member.

Membership may be revoked at any time so long as it is for a credible violation of any policy. Members who have their membership revoked are not eligible to become members again.